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What is Homeopathy and how does it worked?

What is Homeopathy and how does it worked

What is Homeopathy? Homeopathy or Homoeopathy is a system of healing based on the theory of Similia Similibus Curenter like (diseases) is to be cured by like (remedies). It is based on the principle that disease can be cured by strengthening the body’s natural defense mechanism. This is in contrast to the traditional idea of treatment which uses drugs to suppress symptoms, which are the visible result of the body’s attempt to heal itself.

In homeopathy, all of the symptoms are examined as part of the disease process and help elucidate the state of disequilibrium of the body. A medicine (remedy) is selected which would produce in a healthy body the same symptoms found in the sick person (“like cures like”). This substance is selected from herbs, minerals, and natural compounds which are then diluted to avoid the possibility of toxicity.

The prescription of a particular remedy is based upon the totality of symptoms of the individual. Unique and characteristic symptoms are especially important for successful homeopathic treatment.

Homeopathy follows The Law of Cure?

  1. Symptoms disappear in reverse order of appearance.
  2. Cure occurs from the more vital organs to the less vital and from the interior of the body toward the skin.
  3. Cure occurs from the top of the body downward.

Methodology and Principle of Medicine?

In view of the many errors and misinterpretations that exist concerning homeopathy, one major falsity should be avoided at all costs: We are not dealing with a law of similarity in the form of a generally applicable rule of physics or natural phenomenon on which homeopathy purports to be based, but rather with a simple instruction on how to act or with a practical guideline for procedures, in order to Cure in a Mild, Prompt, Safe and Durable manner.

There are 5 basic principles of medicine on which homeopathy itself is founded. These classical principles include:
  1. Prevention.
  2. Physicians First Do No Harm.
  3. Remove the (primary) cause of disease.
  4. Vix Medicatrix Nature (it is the process of life itself that heals; the healing power of nature).
  5. Holism

Why did you choose homeopathy as a first choice?

To obtain the best results from homeopathic treatment, one should resort to homeopathy in the early stage of the disease. Due to ignorance and lack of awareness in the general public about the homeopathic system of treatment and its effectiveness in many diseases ranging from the common cold to cancer, patients approach homeopathy very late and expect miraculous results. Unfortunately by this time, the disease process has advanced to an irreversible stage and homeopathy can offer little, to the otherwise curable disorders. However timely given homeopathic treatment could be a blessing to the ailing humanity.

How Homoeopathy works; fast or slow?

Homeopathy is fast acting in acute conditions such as infections, fever, diarrhea, etc. Chronic and old diseases such as psoriasis take a long time to treat hence homeopathy has been labeled as slow acting. One may say that homeopathy may be slower than the effect of steroids.

One must know that homeopathy is faster in the treatment of conditions where the modern system of medicine is unable to satisfy the patients such as allergy, asthma, eczema, migraine, psoriasis, Hypertension, Diabetes, Orthopaedic Disorders, etc. It is a myth that homeopathy is useful only for chronic conditions and has no role in acute ailments.

Homeopathy is great alternative medicine for acute diseases. In fact, almost 50% of the practice of any professional Homoeopath consists of acute ailments varying from cough-cold-fever to otitis media, pneumonia, tonsillitis, hepatitis, sinusitis, etc. in Bangladesh.

What is Homoeopathic aggravation?

The common belief is that Homoeopathic medicines sometimes cause initial aggravation of symptoms. This, however, is not totally true. The fact is that homeopathic medicines first create artificial similar symptoms which in turn fight with the original symptoms paving the way for a cure. Patients with chronic diseases who had been taking palliative treatment including steroids, invariably report long-drawn aggravation which is due to the withdrawal effect of the medicines. That is why it is always suggested to withdraw these medicines gradually after getting improvement of the case with homeopathic medicines.

In chronic cases where there is long-standing suppression of different symptoms, old symptoms tend to appear during the phase of recovery. This phenomenon is mostly found in chronic skin diseases and medicinal dependent diseases like Hyper/Hypo functioning of Thyroid, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and not everywhere.

Homeopathy treats the symptoms alone or not?

Not exactly! In Homoeopathy equal importance is given to the symptoms of the patient as well as the clinical diagnosis of the disease. In Homoeopathy the clinical diagnosis is not the only basis for prescribing medicines but an individual patient's mental state, behavior, his/her food habits climatic changes, social-economic conditions, color, and even sometimes racial characteristics make a difference in treating the patient homoeopathically. That is why in two similar well diagnosed cases the homeopathy medicine may not the same.

The homeopathic remedy is safe?

Homeopathy can be safely taken without side effects or interactions with prescription drugs. However, you should consult your physician and a homeopath before you do so.

Any Dietary Restrictions while taking Homoeopathic Remedies?

Dietary restrictions are required while taking homeopathic medicines on a case-to-case basis. Generally, coffee and camphor products are restricted due to their anti-doting effect on the entire vegetable kingdom medicines. External applications containing camphor and canthradine hair oil also antidote the effect of vegetable kingdom medicines. The latest research advises that diet restriction according to the blood group of each patient in each disease paves a way for a speedy recovery.


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